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Singles / Daters

How to manifest the love—and the life—you deserve

By February 12, 2018 November 30th, 2018 4 Comments

Here we are in February—the month of LOVE! It’s the perfect time to talk about my favorite topic: manifesting love!  

I started working with a new client a couple months ago—a 40-something, single mother with two kids.  Because of her past relationships, she understandably had a very negative outlook about her romantic future when we first met.  But through some coaching and a shift in perspective, she began to realize the importance of letting go of her past to manifest a more positive and hopeful future.

After just a few sessions, on the morning of her birthday, she woke up and made a conscious decision to have an amazing day—and guess what? She did!

She believes—and I agree—that because she put that intention into the universe, since that day more positive changes are happening throughout all aspects her life.  She now has a stronger relationship with her kids, her dating life has improved, an old friend from her past has come back into her life and she has also seen growth and success in her career. Pretty amazing.

 All of these things happened because she did the work—she changed her attitude and outlook and manifested a more positive life for herself.

 You’re skeptical, right? Okay, let me explain.

 As human beings, it’s natural for us to believe that we need outside forces to make changes in our lives. But the truth is, we need to do the work from inside. You are the change—you have all the resources you need.

It’s really pretty simple: positive thinking elicits positive energy into the universe.  So, the more positivity you put out there, the more positivity will come into your life.  Thinking positive thoughts will get you what you want.

And the opposite also holds true—it’s the law of attraction. When you use negative language or put your fears out into the universe, they will repel what you’re seeking and your fears will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  For example, if you have a fear that you won’t ever meet the love of your life, then you won’t… simple as that.  You truly need to imagine what it would be like, feel like and look like to have that person in your life.

Just think of it like an equation: fear equals not manifesting your dreams and not getting the relationship you want.  Replacing fear with faith and trust in life working out for you and bringing you what you desire equals manifesting the relationship you want.  And saying you’ll try isn’t enough—the words of the great Yoda ring true here too, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

So what can you do?  Well, you have to extinguish those fears, but how?

Letting go of your fears is about surrendering to the universe—saying, I’m going to give up control and trust that the universe will bring me what I need. Even if you have to fake it ‘till you make it, get up every day and choose to be fearless.

If you want to manifest love, it’s also important to focus on looking within. If you don’t feel love for yourself, by the law of attraction, the love that you desire will not manifest because it won’t match your inner world.

So during this month of love, whether you are in a relationship or seeking one, just remember: if you set an intention to put positivity, chocolates and roses out into the universe, you will get positivity, chocolates and roses in return… in one way or another and at some point sooner than later.  Happy Valentine’s Day!


  • Howdy! This post could not be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Many thanks for sharing!

    • TheRelationshipExpert says:

      I am so happy to hear that your roommate could benefit from this blog! I am just seeing your comment now. I hope that your roommate has been able to read my recent blogs as well as perhaps they could be inspirational. Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

    • Admin Asst says:

      Thanks for sharing my article! Hope it’s inspiring 🙂

    • Admin Asst says:

      Happy that my article has been helpful! Thanks for reading and sharing! Have a wonderful day! 🙂