EP. 142| 4/24/23| Real Housewives of OC FOF, Keni Silva. “How to navigate going through a divorce.”
Ep. 134| 12.12.22| Medium Laura West, “Why a strong intuition is important in relationships”
Ep. 132|11.28.22| Arsenii and Olga Moroz, “A Family’s Story of Escaping from Ukraine”
Ep. 131|11.21.22| Gina DeStefano, “How to Move on From a “Situationship”
Ep. 130|11.14.22| Emily Wolf, Author of “My Thirty-First Year and Other Calamities”
Ep. 129.| 10.24.22| Ashley Stahl, Forbes Communist and Host of YouTurn Podcast: “The Roadmap to Making a “YOU” Turn in Your life.”
Ep. 128| 10.17.22| Lisa Damico, Dating App Photographer: “How to Increase Your Dating Confidence”
Ep. 127| 10.03.22| Immy Tariq, CEO of Webmetrix Group:”Surprising Tips for a Succesful Relationship”
Ep. 126| 9.21.22| Suzana Somers, “@Bachelordata Gives Insights into “The Bachelorette” Drama”
Ep. 125| 9.19.22| Gabriella Aratow, “Matchmaker Reveals Secrets to Finding Your Match”
Ep. 124| 9.12.22|Dr. Kylie Burton: “Dr. Kylie’s Inspirational Road to Marriage”
Ep. 123| 8.15.22|Natasha McCrea, Relationship Coach: “How to Heal From Past Relationships”
Ep. 122| 8.01.22| Dr. Tola T’Surami:”Signs of Abuse and Narcissism in a Relationship”
Ep. 121| 07.18.22| Abby Rosenblum: “Matchmaker Shares the Benefits of Hiring a Matchmaker
Ep. 120|06.07.22| Michael Anthony, Trauma Coach and Author: “How to Think Unbroken”
Ep. 119|05.23.22| Celia Arias, COO & Growth Strategist: How to Balance Work and Your Relationship
Ep. 118|05.04.22| Daniel Herrold, Divorce Coach: “How Intentional Dating Can Change Your Life”
Ep. 111|02.07.22| Robert Mack, Life Coach: “How Positive Psychology Can Improve Your Relationships”
Ep. 110|01.31.22| Laura Lang Ree, Author of “Through the Fire:” “Permission to Put Yourself First”
Ep. 105|11.30.21| Amy Schadt, Relationship Coach: “How to Create a More Fulfilling Relationship”
Ep. 101|11|2021| Byron Jamal, Relationship Coach: “How to Get and Keep the Man of Your Dreams
Ep. 97| 8.09.21| Sean Hotchkiss| “Former GQ Journalist Shares What Holds Men Back From Love “
Ep. 95|7.26.21| Brian Davis: “How to Make Finances Work for You in Your Relationship”
Ep. 88| 05.03.21| Robyn Miller Brecker, Former Oprah Producer and Spiritual Life Coach
Ep. 86| 3.22.21| Zach Beach, host of “Learn to Love Podcast:” “The Benefits of Spiritual Sex”
Ep. 85| 03.01.21| Lauren Buckley: “Hollywood Actress Reveals the Best Way to Manifest Love”
Ep. 84| 2.22.21| Mindie Barnett: “PR Mogul Teaches How to be Happy After Divorce”
Ep. 83| 2.15.21| Marvin Mendez, Esq, Divorce Lawyer: “How to Get Relief From Divorce”
Ep. 79|12.28.20| Vanessa Ringel, Neuro Coach: “How Epigenetics Play a Role in Your Relationship
Ep. 76| 12.14.20| Alex Cormont, French Relationship Expert: “How to Get a Man to Commit”
Ep. 73| 11.30.20| Eli Weinstein, “Elivation Therapist:” “The Myths About Love”
Ep. 72| 11.23.20| Nathan Mellule, Host of “The Sunset Series:” “How Dating Apps Affect People”
Ep. 71| 11.16.20| Tyler Orenstein: “Interview With the CEO of “Tyler’s Coffee”
Ep. 70| 11.11.20| Mindy Gorman Plutzer, Certified Eating Psychology Coach:”The Freedom Promise”
Ep. 58.| 10.5.20| International Author, Cyndi Dale “Energy Healing and Relationships”
Ep. 57| 9.28.20| Relationship Expert James Preece “Mindset Techniques to Enhance Your Dating Life”
Ep. 56.|9.21.20| Author Mel Schwartz , “The Possibility Principle:
Ep. 55| 9.14.20| Doug Vermeeren, the creator of the film, “How Thoughts Become Things.”
Ep. 54|9.07.20| Dane Stephens Author of “Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life
Ep. 53| 8.31.20| Kate Yurenda: “The Dream Bold Network and The Law of Attraction”
Ep. 52| 8.24.20| Medical Medium, Kimberly Meredith, “How Our Health Affects our Relationships”
Ep. 51 | 8.17.20 |Uchi Utebi Award-Winning Director and Producer
Ep. 50 | 8.10.20 Brittney and Harrit Diwan- “Dating App: “Curious”
Ep. 49 | 08.03.20 | Divorce Attorney, Thomas Field: “How to Have a Healthy Divorce”
Ep. 48 | 7.20.20 | Master Ming Tong “The Art of Living a Peaceful Life”
Ep. 47 | 07.20.22 | Author Alana Pratt: “Becoming ‘The One'”is Brilliant and Beautiful”
Ep. 46 | 07.03.20 | Author, Aaron McCormick: Dicussesses his book, “Unbounded, Journey to Your Within”
Ep. 45| 06.29.20 | Erica Weiner “Holistic Health and Wellness”
Ep. 44 | 06.01.20| Allen Lyka & Harriet Tynka “The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life
Ep.43 | 05.18.20| Author, Eileen Hamra “Time to Fly: Life and Love After Loss”
Ep. 42 | 03.23.20 | Author, Elijah Jian, “The Road to Happiness”
Love Talk Live 07/15/2019 44:09
In this episode of “Love Talk Live,” Jaime interviews the extraordinary, Huffington Post author, Laurie Burrows Grad about her journey as a widow and her amazing book “The Joke’s Over, You Can Come Back Now: How This Widow Plowed Through Grief and Survived”
Laurie is beyond inspirational as she teaches what to say and what not to say to someone who is grieving. A variety of topics are discussed: everything from closure to the importance of honoring your healing journey, to what it’s like to be dating again. If you or someone you know has been touched by the loss of a loved one, please tune in and read her life-changing book!
Love Talk Live 5/20/2019 43:25
In this episode of “Love Talk Live” Jaime and her guest, relationship specialist Gabriella Taylor discuss how to get past your negative stories from the past and change them in order to manifest love. They also talk about how to feel empowered and appreciated in your relationship.
Love Talk Live 04/22/2019 44:03
On this week’s episode of “Love Talk Live,” Life coach, Cass O’Neill talks about how to use your intuition when you’re struggling with whether or not to end a relationship and also how to be a fully expressed human being in order to have a successful relationship. Relationship therapist, Anita Chlipala talks all about infidelity- everything from how to avoid it to how to deal with it. Myths like “Once a cheater, always a cheater” are discussed as well! Tune in to hear the truth!
Love Talk Live 04/15/2019 47:13
Jaime interviews internationally known Dr. Bonnie Goldstein about how to manage your emotions when you get upset in relationship and her husband Jan Goldstein talks about the romance stories in his novels. The couple reveals tactics they use to calm down when they are upset with one another.

Podcast 03/19/2019 24:20
Jaime is a guest on Jason Levoy, “The Divorce Guy’s” podcast. She is interviewed about the importance of having a coach or a therapist as you go through a divorce. Jaime covers everything from contemplating a divorce, to navigating your way through it, to getting empowered to move on after one.
Love Talk Live 01/28/2019 45:21
Join Jaime and her guests, Karen Scott Ozeri, and Courtney Palm will be discussing living in alignment, constantly creating the life you want to open space for the relationship you want and interviewing Courtney Palm about her book “Kissing Frogs” and what she has learned about dating, and finding her forever love!
Love Talk Live 12/03/2019 46:25
In this episode of “Love Talk Live,” Jaime interviews a double dose of power house divorce attorneys. Check it out to hear about how to move through and move on from a divorce! Sarah Intelligator is a holistic divorce attorney and Jason Levoy is a former lawyer and now a divorce coach! Both are phenomenal and interesting professionals.
Love Talk Live 11/13/2018 40:37
On this week’s episode of “Love Talk Live,” Jaime and Carrie Pollack discussed the importance of unconditionally loving yourself in order to manifest “your person.”